Russ Howell

5036 South 2200 West
Taylorsville, UT 84129

Alpaca Bella Fina Ranch

Capitol Pharmacy Association

Fetzer Consulting

Five Star Health

Hard Cover Concrete

Home For Sale

IBCMT: International Board for Chemical/Metal Toxicology

Audio/Visual Presentations Accessories

Mountain View Motel

Nurse Practitioners of Idaho

Rejuv Med Spa

Super Kart Racing


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Web sites are a quick and effective way to reach millions of online viewers.
You may want a Web site for many reasons:
  • Promote a business.
  • Provide Information about products, services and news.
  • Share Knowledge
  • Provide Contact Information
  • Promote Interests about an organization or club.
  • Post Job Listings
  • Share Personal Information about:
    family, pets, vacations, hobbies, etc.
  • Entertain Readers:
    Display jokes, humorous stories, sports teams, celebrities.
A Web site allows you to post information and pictures on the Web for others to view.
Web sites are easy to maintain.
Web sites cost very little and can be FREE with some services.

Click Here For Help With Designing Your Web Site:


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Your Web site and Graphics needs can be taken care of easily.
  • Web Page Creation

    • HTML

    • DHTML

    • CSS

  • Logo Development

  • Photo Scanning

  • Slide Scanning

  • Photo Enhancement

  • Help with acquiring a Domain Name

  • Help with acquiring a Hosting Service (Free Hosting is available)

  • Maintenance and Training

Web Sites

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The following Web Sites are a partial list of my work:
  • Business Sites

    • Ada West Dermatology

    • Alpaca Bella Fina Ranch

    • Boise For Sale - Classified Ads

    • Dennis Fetzer Consulting

    • Ed Riche Photography

    • International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology (IBCMT)

    • Idaho Audio Visual

    • WHAT Skateboards

    • Mountain View Motel

    • Rejuv Med Spa

    • Super Kart Indoor Race Track

  • Organization & Club Sites

    • Asperger Teen Group

    • Bogus Basin Ski Club

    • Boise Quilting Club

    • Boise Salsa Club

    • Capitol Pharmacy Association

    • Children's Church Choir

    • Kootenai Amateur Radio Society

    • Our Godly American Heritage

    • United States Skateboard Association

  • Personal Sites

    • JUPASH Unlimited

    • World War II Veterans

    • Surfing and Skateboarding Sites


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Web Sites can be created for as little as $300 for initial Setup.
          (1/2 of Payment is due before Web work begins)
Custom pages are created for a $25/hour charge.
Web Site Maintenance is offered at $25/hour.

Domain Names are available for approximately $10/Year from
Web Hosting is available for approximately $70/Year from

Contact Me

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Russ Howell


Russ Skate & Surf